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WHIMPERS AND TEARS: Dog’s emotional reaction to ‘The Lion King’ movie

There are multiple times you may shed a tear when watching a sad movie. If you have ever watched the Lion King, you know that there is one particular scene that brings everyone tears. Yes, it’s the scene Simba reacts to the death of his father, Mufasa.
That scene seems to have reached the heart of Luna Ophelia, a 4-month-old rescue pit bull. She has become famous for showing her feelings while watching the movie.
Her owner, Josh Myers shared a video of Luna’s reaction on his Facebook page last week. In the video, Luna seems to know exactly what is going on and even she gets emotional and teary-eyed.

Writing on Facebook, Myers says that “To see her crying at the TV was the sweetest thing I think I’ve ever seen.” You can see her reaction in the video below! Please share this story with your friend and family!

Check out the video here!

“Anything you feel, I can feel too.” ????So Hannah and I were watching the Lion King while Luna played wildly with her toys. But right as Mufasa falls to his death, she stops and turns to the TV to watch. To see her crying at the TV was the sweetest thing I think I’ve ever seen. She even lays down right after Simba lays with his dad….We don’t deserve dogs. ???? 4 months old and she’s already showing empathy. I can’t wait to see how she reacts to the new live action Lion King!*VOLUME ????*Follow Luna on Instagram! @luna_o_thepitbullFor licensing or usage, contact: licensing@viralhog.com ViralHog

Posted by Josh Myers on Tuesday, February 19, 2019

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