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People Are Sharing Their Corgi Dogs, Showing That These Guys Are Actually Cuter Than You Think

If you are a dog person, you should know the dog breed Corgi. Described as the most friendly dogs, these guys always appear with bright eyes and smiling mouths, making them look so lovable and cheerful. While it is true that Corgi dogs are so friendly and cute, many people often can’t imagine how much cute and friendly they are, actually.

To help you answer this, we are going to show you twenty pictures below. These photos are selected from Subreddit r/corgi, where people are capturing real-life moments they have with Corgi friends and sharing them on the Internet. We are sure you wouldn’t feel disappointed. So, looking at these pure faces, what do you think about this dog breed? Let us know in the comment!

More info: Reddit

#1. Notice that pretty nose!

Image source: Scumbucky

#2. “We were testing our new speakers for our TV. Ein was doing a heckin concern until we tried to help her out. Then she did more of a heckin concern. So then she got her way.”

Image source: ubermicrox

#3. “Mommy, I climb the tree to get this. And it’s my food now!”

Image source: littleblkcat

#4. “I had fun at the park today, even chased bubbles with my tiny human!”

Image source: Forsaken-External

#5. Kungfu Corgi!

Image source: SweetNovember416

#6. “This is how she manipulates me, that damn smile”

Image source: Rain_Blossoms

#7. “Alex wants to know if you have treats in your pockets.”

Image source: Idontknowwateverfits

#8. “Side eyeing me staring at his big booty”

Image source: almondmocha2

#9. “This is my bed nowwww”

Image source: ToyRocket

#10. “Hello, world?”

Image source: westernxhaiku

#11. “My sweet Lily, 2yo Pembroke. Always ready for her close-up!”

Image source: keepingherkeysxvx

#12. “Here is Chuleta in his afternoon nap!”

Image source: luissfdsa

#13. “I think he wants a piece”

Image source: tinewashere

#14. “Stella certainly approves of her new bed!”

Image source: charlote0103

#15. “Haha momma I am so happy!”

Image source: _J_u_L_i_A_

#16. This is Belmont. His name means ‘beautiful mountain’. Let’s say “Hello” to him!

Image source: MacabreFox

#17. This sweetheart is the cutest girl I have ever met!

Image source: preneelDght3465

#18. “I am doing the corgi splits under a leopard chair”

Image source: RPup_831

#19. “Our 14-week tri-color has a heart mark on his butt!! We hope he won’t lose it as he gets older.”

Image source: Dougzer

#20. “Oh, what is the friend cat doing? I want to jump to her place to see…”

Image source: Karurosu

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