We Love Animals

20 Dogs Who Tried To Be Good Boys But Failed Hilariously

Dogs recognise themselves as different from other pets, and know that they are good boys. Still, sometimes they can upset their owners or even get scolded. We can’t avoid failure in life, even in the smallest of ways, so it is not surprising that these bumbling, goofy, yet lovable creatures have failed at being good boys.

We adore dogs even if they misbehave, so we collected some hilarious photos of dogs who tried to be good boys but it didn’t always work. We believe that no matter how bad these dogs are, we just can’t stay mad at them after looking into their innocent and lovely eyes. If you don’t believe, scroll down to check out for yourself!

1. “I got a dog to guard the house but then…”

2. “I’m going to repeat the question: What do you have in your mouth?”

3. He obviously needs to be watered.

4. The most comfortable place in the apartment

5. The sign warns about angry dogs, but they don’t seem all that angry.

6. “I heard my older lab crying and came out to find his little brother blocking the stairs.”

7. “I decided to check to see if my dog had any guard dog skills. I asked my friend to approach him. And my friend sent me this photo. It seems my dog has failed the test.”

8. It looks like someone is having a good New Year!

9. “He has just locked me out of my car.”

10. “The most ferocious beast I have ever seen.”

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