We Love Animals

10+ Kitty Parents Who Are Just Trying Their Best

Raising children is hard, and any parent who says differently is lying. It’s way too much responsibility and it’s the kind of job that you have to do 24/7.

Most humans can’t even handle a single baby, but cats somehow can take care of so many kittens at the same time, and they do it so efficiently without complaining or being lazy about it, but sometimes it can also get overwhelming for them too.

We think it’s safe to assume we all love seeing cat families. Check out all the photos below, that is, as long as you’re not allergic to adorableness!

#1. She completely ran out of ink after the second kitten

#2. “What have I done, I immediately regret this”

#3. A group picture with the whole fam

#4. “Really Bertha, cats need privacy too, get lost”

#5. The little fluffs are drinking their milk

#6. A happy and perfect family

#7. The kittens are asleep, let’s kiss

#8.”Why did I even think this was a good idea”

#9. The kittens are full of energy while the mom is exhausted

#10. Why did you bring us here hooman?

#11. This is how I get all the hoomans to pat me and give me treats, watch and learn

#12. Jesus Ashley, will you put that damn camera down

#13. She made exact copies of herself

#14. This exit is blocked, come back later

#15. She’s wondering how on earth one of the kittens came out back

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