We Love Animals

What Life Is Like When You Live With A Cat (10+ Pics)

If you want to add a little furry friend in your house, I bet you really want to have a friend whom you can share everything in your life. However, you may not think that these creatures will completely change your life. Although they love to sleep most of the day, they can boost energy and create positive emotions for you whenever you need. For this reason, it’s no surprise that actual cat ownership has a number of benefits. If you don’t believe, you can ask any experienced cat owners you know, they will tell you that your whole world is going to be different in a big way.

Studies have shown that cats are fluffy weirdos who will never let us get bored. So, if you are considering adopting a cat or kitten now is the time to come on in. This post will show you what life is like when you have a cat in your house. Just take a look at some funny cat pictures below, you won’t be able to stop laughing at these lovely heroes.

Scroll down to see, and we hope they’ll bring smiles on your faces!

1. Who could that be? Oh, sure…

2. “This is our cat Mars. He likes watching Netflix with us. He also likes to remind us to stay quiet.”

3. “I have to use a decoy book when I read because of this jerk.”

4. He’s not an indoor cat obviously…

5. “We brought home a puppy and someone is not amused.”

6. “The vet is so scary!”

7. “Got my cat a bed for Christmas.”

8. “My cat needs a drink and the remote.”

9. “I don’t think my adopted cat had ever seen carpet before. She laid like this for about 30 minutes.”

10. “My cat trying to pass as human.”

11. “So glad I bought my cat that window hammock.”

12. We all know a cat who sleeps like this.

13. Cat logic

14. Someone help! My cat’s broken!

15. When you didn’t expect yourself to look that stunning:

16. Sometimes you just need to look at things from a different angle.

17. Before and after she was told she’s a good girl. Cat version…

18. “My cat loves sitting in pants so while I don’t have anything to do, I wear an extra pair of pants to let him sit with me.”

19. “My cat keeps trying to steal the feather duster, luckily he never gets that far…”

20. “Our cat is obsessed with blanket forts, so we made him this. He has wares, if you have coin.”

21. “My cat has separation anxiety and keeps opening the curtains to see if I’m still in the same room as him.”

22. “If they don’t go out at sunset to watch the birdies roost every day, I never hear the end of it!”

23. It’s never my turn to use the sink…

Life with a cat can turn into a real adventure! Do you have a cat? Can you share a photo of your lovely kitty doing some funny things? Feel free to share and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts in comments.

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