We Love Animals

20 Pictures Of Chihuahua Dogs Showing That They Are Actually Cuter Than You Think!

If you have ever seen the famous movie “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” (Walt Disney), you may know the main character, chihuahua Chloe, who gets lost in Mexico and starts her new life there with a lot of difficulties. Chihuahua is the world’s smallest dog breed from Mexico, recognized by their small size, big personality, and variety in coat types and colors. The bold and confident chihuahua is often described as being terrier-like. For that reason, some people think that these guys are not quite friendly and cute. Well, if you are one of those ‘some people’, we’re afraid you are wrong! Why? Let’s take a look at these twenty following pictures, and you will see that chihuahua dogs are much cute than you think.

Don’t believe it? Then it’s time to check it out! If you love this post, just leave us a comment and like!

More info: Reddit

#1. “As snug as a bug in a rug. Happy international dog day from Zoey and Squirtle!”

Image source: CookieThumpr

#2. “I want to sleep now. Leave me alone!”

Image source: rsvpas_pending

#3.”My 7-year-old rescue Chihuahua Butters. I adore him ????”

Image source: DrMimzz

#4. “I love mom”

Image source: smambers

#5. She has the purest eyes that I have ever seen!

Image source: lilbopeachy

#6. Those paws are small so they fit right on our hearts!!!

Image source: Arthur_Henrq

#7.  Anyone believes he is already 7 years old?! He’s so cute!

Image source: neverleave173

#8. Pupper is so cute! He makes me happy!

Image source: StevieRay8string69

#9. “Oh, I see a butterfly out there! Hey, butterfly…. waittttt!”

Image source: arico0629

#10. “My fur baby spent her first night in a tent.”

Image source: Reddit

#11. “Anyone else’s Chi sleep like a human? My precious boy steals my spot all the time ????????”

Image source: blossomdoodles

#12. “Hi, do you want to join us in this ‘hide and seek’ game?”

Image source: chronicallybee

#13. “She sleeps like an angel!”

Image source: katie7097/

#14. Wet eyes, lovely face, and adorable nose. Everything is just so perfect that it wins my heart in a second!

Image source: jsmash1967

#15. “Jack was lonely. We got Sarah. They have become BEST friends.”

Image source: dilapidatedcoral

#16. “Chichi was the bravest boy getting his teeth removed. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any cuter…????”

Image source: penny-lane21

#17. This is a log chihuahua and his fluffy little sis. Notice how he takes care of his beloved sister!

Image source: diggeo

#18. This is one very happy looking dog! Adorable!

Image source: moritaperro

#19. I can feel the cuteness and happiness in this picture. How about you?

Image source: bb8ismyhomie


Image source: PirhannaPudding

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