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Australian Shepherd Becomes Best Friend Of His Owner And Performs Challenging Trick Combinations With Him

Cats and dogs can be the best friends of humans. They always stay by our side, do everything for us, and love us with their whole hearts. This four-year-old Australian Shepherd, named Morty, has created a special bond with his human. They love doing things together, from having meals, traveling, going to bed, to winning daily challenges. On Rumble, a video shared by user flobeck92 captured how he and his son Morty performed challenging trick combinations.

Screenshot: Rumble

The owner called their fist trick ‘a backstall with sit pretty’, which required a great deal of balance and muscle control. After the first step, they moved to the next level with the difficulties doubled up. It was the combination of footstall sit pretty and kind of a handstand. It was similar to acro-yoga and took both, owner and dog, a tremendous amount of training.

Screenshot: Rumble

Screenshot: Rumble

There was still the last challenge they needed to overcome. Morty jumped on the table with support from his owner. After sitting down on it, the boy let himself fall backward on command while the man was at the back to catch him. Like its name ‘trustfall’, the trick needed a special bond and trust between the owner and the dog.

Screenshot: Rumble

After the three-step challenge, Morty and his dad were happy and satisfied. Thanks to the tricks like that, the owner realized that the Australian Shepherd was greedy for working, learning, and being trained for new skills. He loved every second of staying with the beloved owner. The video ended when Morty smiled happily in the safe arms of his owner!

Watch the video here:

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