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Dogs Rescue

Puppies Abandoned In Parking Lot Beg Rescuers To Take Them Home

When some locals spotted two puppies dumped in a parking lot, they filmed a video and sent to Love Furry Friends with the hope that the organization would help the poor animals. After receiving the video, some rescuers rushed to the scene to save the pups and make their lives better.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

It was very hot, so the pups had to hide under cars at the parking. Someone gave them food, so they could survive by now. Due to living in bad condition for many days, their bodies were full of fleas and ticks. When the two animals met the rescue team, they were happy to ask them for help. They named them Alba and Dora.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

The rescuers took the puppies to a vet clinic for a check-up. The vets helped them remove all fleas and ticks. After that, the pups were given some medical treatment for parasites and vaccinated. Despite being in safe hands, the siblings were still confused and needed more time to adapt to their new home.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

Thanks to all the love and care of everyone, the two babies are now healthy and are ready for adoption. Love Furry Friends are trying to help them find forever homes. A few days later, Alba moved to her new family. We are happy to know that she is now living happily with two partners in crime.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

Watch the full rescue here:

It’s heartbreaking everyday those beautiful animals get abandoned and abused. Thank you, Love Furry Friends for saving Dora and Alba and giving them a second chance at a new life. We hope that Dora would find his new homes soon and great owners.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

If you would like to support Love Furry Friends and help more rescues and adoptions, please donate here. Your support is really important to their work. Even $5 donation can help to change the lives of helpless animals.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

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