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Cats Go Animal Rescue

Meet Dior, The Rescue Mom Cat Who Has 4 Feisty and Playful Kittens

This sweet cat is Dior. She is the mother of four super cute kittens Fendi, Prada, Lou, and Coco. She and her babies were rescued by Purr Partners Feline Rescue, and now they are fostered by a foster mom named Traci Highsmith.

Credit: @raleighkittens / Instagram

Dior is a sweetheart and such a gorgeous brown tabby tuxedo mama. She’s an excellent mama, so Traci tries her best to make mama happy so that she keeps feeding and taking care of her babies.

Credit: @raleighkittens / Instagram

When the babies arrived at the foster house, they were not even one week old yet. Both of them were tiny and weak. But thanks to all the love and care of Traci, they are now so healthy and playful.

Credit: @raleighkittens / Instagram

Traci prefers the kittens to be corralled in the bathtub since they’re getting more mobile by the day. This way, they’d be safer, separated from Mama’s litter box, food, and water. The bathtub is darker and covered with a blanket so Traci thought Dior would feel it’s a good hiding place. For this reason, she decided to move them into a bathtub.

Credit: @raleighkittens / Instagram

She moved the kittens and their blankets to the bathtub while Dior ate lunch. She hoped the mama would accept this new nest if the blankets were the same, but she was wrong. Operation Bathtub was a failure.

Watch their cute videos here:

As you can see in the video, Fendi is a curious kitten who loves to explore everything around her. While Fendi loves seeing the world, her sibling Prada likes doing a special thing. She assists with laundry and flails adorably. Waking on linoleum is Coco’s favorite, but it is not easy for her to walk on it.

Credit: @raleighkittens / Instagram

We are happy to know that the mama cat and her kittens are now in good hands. We hope that they will be loved and cared forever. Thank you Traci and Purr Partners Feline Rescue for saving and giving these poor animals a second chance at life.

If you love Traci’s work and want to see more rescue cats and kittens, you can follow her on Instagram.

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