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Cats Rescue

Two Tiny Kittens Who Lost Their Mother Meet Their New Mom

When the founder of kitten&puppy are a life got a call about two little kittens crying out loud, he quickly went there to check out what was going on. When he arrived at the kittens’ place, he found them really crying and seeming to be abandoned. Unlike other kittens, they were not afraid of the man and got close to him. The two might lose their mom, so they thought the man was their mom and just wanted to get some love from him.

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The guy gave the kittens some cuddles and comforted them before taking them home. One of his friends stepped in to take care of the siblings. She found that the calico kitten was a female and the orange one was a male. She warmed them up and then gave them lactose-free baby formula. It took some time to get familiar with this method of breastfeeding. But at least, this method would give them a higher chance of survival.

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Not only did the kittens meet great people, but they also had new friends, an adult cat and a puppy. The house pets were interested in the new kittens and came to make friends with them. However, the two animals were still confused in their new place. The woman tried to reassure them and calm them down. After that, she gave them food to eat and a warm bed to sleep. Because of being tired, they fell asleep immediately.

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With the love and care of the woman, the kittens finally adapted to their new house. She always takes care of them, and they like to stay by her side. They become very happy and very playful. We are happy to know that they are now in good hands. We hope that they will be loved and cared forever. Thank you for finding them and loving them! God bless you and these animals.

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