We Love Animals

20 Quirky Fluffies That Can’t Act Like Normal Pets For One Day

Nobody can deny that our pets are cute, lovable, sweet. But sometimes they act so weird and crazy. Their strange behaviors, both amusing and baffling, leave us asking: Why do they do that? Even when you’ve lived with them for years, you are always surprised by their weird and silly actions. Just like humans, each animal has their own personality. They do what they want without caring what others think.

Here are 20 quirky fluffies who just love to live on the fun side of life and don’t care anything. These photos are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and make your day brighter! Enjoy their photos!

1. “If it pleases you kind Sir, may I ask for just one more treat?”

2. “Don’t laugh at me! I stole this, I’m a bad boy!”

3. “My mom didn’t believe me when I tried to explain how odd our newest rescue is.”

4. “Fell asleep on the floor, woke up to…”

5. “Just bought a new cat bed. That’s not how you use it, sweetie.”

6. “This aquatic explorer I ran into yesterday.”

7. “Opie dragged his bed and blanket across the house and then sat like this for 25 minutes while we ate dinner.”

8. “My mom’s cat is such a derp. Always sits like this and keeps an eye on you.”

9. “Our sweet angel sleeping softly in the car.”

10. “Just walking my plant.”

11. “I send him to daycare just for him to hold hands with the employees all day.”

12. “Welcome to Wendy’s!”

13. “It’s impossible to work like this.”

14. “He likes to suck on his foot before bed.”

15. “My favorite pic of my pug. There is no hole in the grass.”

16. “The cat is beyond caring about appearances.”

17. “My roommate’s puppy discovered mirrors and now he won’t look directly at me.”

18. “I look over and see this goblin staring at me.”

19. “This is my cat Lorbus trying to eat a metal chair.”

20. “All I wanted was a nice photo of my cat.”

Have you noticed your pet acting weird? What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen a pet do? How did you deal with it? Let us know in the comments!

Be sure to share these funny and cute photos with your friends and family members to make their day brighter!Is your cat acting weird?

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