We Love Animals

20+ Photos Proving That Cats Can Walk Wherever They Like

Cats are liquid! Even scientists agree with this fact and have proved it. According to this year’s Ig Nobel Physics Prize winner, cats can be simultaneously solid and liquid because they are able to adopt the shape of their container. Not only do they fit into the tightest of spaces, but they also know how to choose the best place to rest. They will take any chance to prove they are liquids by jumping into sinks, flower pots, tiny boxes, and all kinds of other vessels.

We admire their incredible ability to fit into the tightest of spaces, so we have collected some photos of cats who can become liquid to fill a compact container, can flow freely, like water. We are sure that these cute and silly photos will drip straight into your heart! Scroll down to check out the photos and pick your favorite ones.

1. Rich cats of Istanbul

2. “My new mask covers the nose so well, I can hardly breathe!”

3. This horse has such a wonderful fur cap. Wait a second…

4. “No matter how big she gets, she refuses to use another box.”

5. “He didn’t even care, he stayed asleep the whole time.”

6. “Whatever you do, do not water this plant.”

7. “My cat: ’Screw your personal space.’”

8. So catfortable…

9. “They’ve found the perfect ’judge you from afar’ position.”

10. “This is my chin-up bar now.”

11. “I started unpacking my suitcase, went and made a coffee, and came back to find this!”

12. “3 luxury cat beds, one teepee with a fleece blanket, and multiple special sleeping arrangements, but Roy will only sleep here.”

13. “She’s not allowed on the kitchen counter, but I guess she found a loophole.”

14. “Why all the toys when you have me?”

15. A purring barbell

16. “Auto-cat-pilot”

17. When you love to sleep on your dad’s computer:

18. “My cat Messi sleeps like this. I think he’s broken.”

19. “We took out this shelf from our mini-fridge to save room and my cat loves lying in it‬.”

20. “No more bread for today.”

21. “Nothing special, she’s just enjoying a nice bubble bath, as cats do…”

22. “He always sleeps on this fence.”

Where does your pet love sleeping and hanging out? Share their photos with us in the comments below. Be sure to share these funny pics with your friends and family members to make their day brighter!

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