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Police Officers Return To Patrol Car And Find An Abandoned Dog Waiting Inside For Help

After finishing up a routine traffic operation, some Brazilian police officers returned to their patrol car and were shocked to find a dog in the driver’s seat.

The officers tried to coax the dog out of the car, but he refused to leave. The little dog began to cry and became anxious. He whined and begged for help.

“He cried a lot. [He] appeared to have been abandoned on the side of the highway,” wrote Polícia Militar Rodoviária de Santa Catarin.

It was clear that the dog was looking for someone to help him and knew just where to go for some assistance. He decided to jump into the patrol car and waited for the officers’ return.

The kind officers were stunned and moved by this dog’s plea for help, so they decided to take him back to the station and try to help him find a home. On the way to the station, the dog wagged his tail and happily accepted the sweet pats from the officers.

Thankfully, after hearing the heartbreaking story, Corporal Maurício decided to adopt the little dog and called him Rex.

“[He] decided to adopt him, which made his children happy,” the officials said. “His name is Rex!”

The police department was happy to share the rescue story on their Facebook page, where it went viral and gained a lot of comments of praise.

The dog was thrilled to have a new home and great owners.

“Congratulations on everyone’s attitude, to the two cops who had a good heart to remove him from the highway and to the other cop “Maurício” for adopting Rex,” commented one follower.

We are happy to know that now Rex is a happy and healthy dog who is loved and cared by his beloved owners. Thank you to everyone involved in his rescue.

Watch as Rex begs for help in the video below:


CÃOZINHO ABANDONADO INVADE VIATURA DA PMRv E É ADOTADO POR POLICIAL MILITAR RODOVIÁRIO (foto nos comentários)Na tarde de ontem (21), policiais militares rodoviários faziam uma operação de fiscalização de velocidade na rodovia SC-135, no município de Rio das Antas, quando foram surpreendidos por um cachorrinho que pulou dentro da viatura. Ele chorava muito e aparentava ter sido abandonado às margens da rodovia. Os dois policiais, soldados Borges e Mateus, tentaram tirá-lo de dentro da viatura, mas ele chorava desesperado, como se fosse ser abandonado de novo. O vídeo mostra o choro do animal e a angústia querer permanecer dentro do veículo.Os policiais militares rodoviários, comovidos com a situação, levaram o cachorrinho ao posto policial e lá o cabo Maurício, comovido com a situação, decidiu adotá-lo, o que fez a felicidade de seus filhos.

Posted by Polícia Militar Rodoviária de Santa Catarina on Monday, June 22, 2020

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