We Love Animals

20+ Hysterical Times Cats’ Settings Crashed

#11 “This is Makoli. He’s… different.”

#12 “My cat powers up his attacks.”

#13 “Took my indoor cat outside today. I think the grass has broken him down.”

#14 It’s time to build nests.

#15 When you create a perfect plan for world domination but get caught:

#16 “I. Shall. Get. In.”

#17 “I came out of the bathroom in a shower cap and she didn’t know who I was.”

#18 Catapulta!

#19 In his dreams, he’s a small stream at the foot of Mount Fuji.

#20 When you just want to get warm:

#21 The way we look when someone takes a pic of us without a warning:

#22 “This is Pixar. She seems to know when I’m down and does something silly to make me laugh.”

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