We Love Animals

The Lion King 2019 Compared To The 1994 Original

The Lion King is a 1994 American epic animated musical fantasy film produced and released by Walt Disney and became the highest-grossing animated film ever (now, 4th). In the next summer, Disney’s live-action remake is set for release on 19 July 2019. The release date will mark the 25th anniversary of the release of the original 1994 animated film.

The first official trailer for the remake of The Lion King was released 2 days ago (22 November 2018) on Disney’s YouTube channel. In the trailer we can see the familiar opening moments when the young cub Simba is presented to the animals of the Pride Lands by Rafiki on Pride Rock.

Comparing the new trailer with the 1994 animation, we will see how impressive the virtual cinematography technology will look after 25 years. Scroll down to see and don’t forget to share with your friends and family members!















Watch the video comparison here!

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