We Love Animals
Cats Dogs

20 Times Our Pets Were Total Jerks But Made Us Smile Anyway

11. “He’s slowly pushing it all off the table, while pretending to sleep.”

12. “I wondered why this was the only plant to not flower this summer.”

13. “Hey Mom, I opened the door for you!”

14. When you are not allowed on both the bed and the table, but your rebellious spirit won’t let you put up with that.

15. Have you prayed tonight Desdemona?

16. “He was alone for just 5 minutes…”

17.  “I was wondering why my freezer magically opens sometimes.”

18. “He steals his sister’s ball then sits on her head.”

19. Goodbye brother!

20.  “Spent $6k remodeling the bathroom, glad these jerks are comfortable.”

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