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Cats Go Animal Rescue

Vets Want To Put Broken Cat To Sleep, But Rescuers Say No

Sometimes you don’t need any special skills to save an animal, you only need a brave heart and a beautiful soul. Stoyan and Dessy belong to this kind of human. The Bulgarian couple has been fighting for street animals in their country for years, and they haven’t planned to stop yet.

Dessy inherits the golden heart of her mother, who has been feeding and taking care of stray animals in her area for more than 10 years long. However, something terrible has just happened to one of the cats she has been feeding lately. Mikey, a stunning long-haired male has been hit by a car, and the tragic accident broke both his leg and his heart. Sadly, nobody cares.

Screenshot, PawMeow

After hearing about the pitiful cat, Stoyan and Dessy head out to find him right away. As they try to approach him, the poor kitty immediately limps away despite his broken and rotten leg, he clearly doesn’t trust humans anymore. However, they can still use food to lure him into a cage as he is obviously starving. They want to gain his trust first but of course it’s just impossible, they have no time to waste.

Screenshot, PawMeow

The kind couple rapidly rushes Mickey to the biggest vet clinic in Bulgaria, where they are so sad to learn that he is also infected with FIV. The vets there say there’s nothing much they can do and suggest putting him to sleep, which makes the couple gets mad and storm out without hesitation.

Screenshot, PawMeow

Mickey later is brought to another clinic where he is accepted, checked again and hospitalized. They keep track of his medical care daily and are so relieved to learn that there is no amputation needed, that Mickey’s leg would be fine soon. His life is not threatened anymore.

Screenshot, PawMeow

After two weeks, Stoyan and Dessy come to the vet to check up on Mikey. The lovely cat has become much better, his leg is recovering pretty well and he has put on some weight too. Even though this shy boy is still a little afraid of humans, they still have tons of time to help him open his heart.

Screenshot, PawMeow

Watch the tear-jerking rescue here:

Please share Mikey’s story with your friends and family so he could get a better chance in life!




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