We Love Animals

10+ Hilarious Photos That Prove Animals Are People in “Fur Coats”

We like to think of ourselves as a special bunch, and we believe that the main differences between us and other animal species are our ability of complex reasoning, our use of complex language, our ability to solve difficult problems and show feelings. However, just look at these pictures below you may be surprised at how similar we are to even our distant relations. It turns out we have plenty in common with other animals. Animals are like us, but kinder and funnier.

Here’s a list of the top parallels between humans and animal, who are funny and expressive copies of ourselves. Scroll down to see! Which animal do you associate yourself with?

h/t: Bright Side

#1. When you came to a party with your friend and you don’t know anyone else:

#2. When you look so stunning you’re even ready to see your ex:

#3. When you’re tired and sleeping:

#4. When you’re trying to impress someone you really like:

#5. Before you’ve had your morning coffee:

#6. When you barely made it to your bus:

#7. hen both of you are hungry but you can’t agree on where to eat:

#8. When you’re going to work during rush hour:

#9. When you’re trying to let your friend know that his joke wasn’t really funny:

#10. When someone took your favorite seat and you’re imagining what you’d do to get it back:

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