We Love Animals

20+ Photos Proving That Life With A Cat Is Always Full of Surprises

If you are a cat owner, you understand that having cats in your life is a wonderful thing and most of us wouldn’t trade it for the world. They offer great companionship with distinct personalities and sometimes surprising their owners with unforgettable or ridiculous actions. So, it’s not surprising if you like to share your life with a cat.

That is why we love cats in all their furry shapes and sizes and would like to share with you a compilation of 23 photos proving that life with a cat can never be boring. Is it time to add a cat to your life? Let us know in comments and don’t forget to share these with pics with your friends and family!

h/t: Bright Side

#1. “My cat got covered in flour and accidentally let his inner demon out.”

#2. “My cat likes to think outside the box.”

#3. When your cat is a true gentleman:

#4. “It has taken my cat a full 5 minutes to arrange himself so that all 4 feet are on this envelope.”

#5. “A perfect moment in the life of our cats”

#6. Like cats, like kittens.

#7. When your cat is a secret anime fan:

#8. “He’s the only one who came when I said dinner was ready.”

#9. Those sweet fishy dreams…

#10. “My cat turned into 8 bit.”

#11. “My kitten likes to ’hide’ in this jar, and her brother always gets confused.”

#12. “My cat gave birth right under our Christmas tree.”

#13. “My cat messed with some bees and now looks like a Kardashian.”

#14. “My 2 cats sleeping in their tunnel look like one extra-long kitty.”

#15. When you realize that you’re just a tiny part of the universe:

#16. This cat is known in the neighborhood as the underwear thief.

#17. This is the world’s most interesting lamp, according to 5 cats.

#18. Apparently, this cat was trying to communicate with aliens, but got interrupted.

#19. When your cats’ personal life is more eventful than yours:

#20. “Pregnant? But I’m too young for this!”

#21. The 3 stages of grief: astonishment, disappointment, and acceptance

#22. “When it’s sunny, my cat always does this.”

#23. Total eclipse of the cat

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