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Cats Dogs

Pictures That Show How Different Dogs And Cats Really Are

How many differences between dogs and cats can you spot? They may both be furry (most of the time) but both animals are very different from each other, including its physical features, nature and character. In fact, the difference between dogs and cats may not be as easy to spot as you think. Dogs and cats are domestic animals belonging to different species. The cat belongs to the feline family, and a dog to the canine family. And these pictures below that show you how different dogs and cats really are.
Although dogs and cats are very different, of course, they both are great companions. All they need is love and care from their parents to be happy, healthy animals.

#1. Taking your dog for a walk:

Taking your cat for a walk:

#2. When your dog sits on you:

When your cat sits on you:

#3. Dogs and water:

Cats and water:

#4. Trying to work when you have a dog:

Trying to work when you have a cat:

#5. Where dogs like to sleep:

Where cats like to sleep:

When someone asks what breed your dog is:

When someone asks what breed your cat is:

#6. Dogs’ mortal enemies:

Cats’ mortal enemies:

#7. Rubbing your dog’s tummy:

Rubbing your cat’s tummy:

#8. What cat people think of dogs:

What dog people think of cats:

#9. Dogs chasing light:

Cats chasing light:

#10. When your dog fucks with you:

When your cat fucks with you:

#11. Basically, owning a dog:

And owning a cat:

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