We Love Animals

10+ Photos That Show Cats Are The Best Subjects To Photograph

Meet Felicity Berkleef, a self-taught pet photographer in The Netherlands, who loves to take pictures of everything around him, especially cats and animals. For him, his cats and other cats are one of favorite subjects! He often captures expressive photos of his two cats and cats from his neighborhood.

In this post, he would like to show all of us why cats are the best subjects for him to photograph. If you want to know why, just take a look at these photos below. If you are interested in seeing more of his photos, then you can find them on Instagram.

1. They are the best stalkers!

Like they literally come here every single day. They know every single room of my house. Amazing right?

2. They love each other, even when they’re both males.

3. They are magnificent!

4. They are very lazy.

5. His name is Tommie. He is a meme!

“He’s been called Jedi Cat, Khajiit has wares if you have coin, E.T….or he’s just simply a poor female that needs food.”

6. They change a lot!

Like what does this cat even eat? He looks so amazing just like me (referring two lower photos) You can call him Garfield if you want! I also like lasagna 🙂

7. They have the prettiest eyes!

8. They are great meowdels!

9. They are just PURRFECT!

10. They are curious…

11. They are not scary at all!

Just look at that sweet angelic little face!

12. They have expressions in which some us can relate.

Do you agree with us that cats are the most perfect subjects to photograph? What do you think about his cute and awesome photos? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below! Be sure to share these pics with your friends and family members!

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