We Love Animals

10+ Cats Who Are So Hysterical When They Relized What Happen At The Vet’s Office

Owning a cat means you sometimes have to make some choices that, while uncomfortable, are for the greater good – like having them spayed or neutered. It’s the responsible thing to do, but that doesn’t mean they understand.

Quite the contrary, when they find out exactly what that dastardly veterinarian has done to them… they may be a bit shocked. So make sure they’re sitting when you tell them, because after hearing this, even a cat might not land on its feet.

1. Dr. Snips did WHAT?!

2. Oh the humanity!

3. They’re – they’re gone.

4. Hello darkness, my old friend.

5. I trusted you!

6. Ehrmigod.

7. They did what now?

8. You wouldn’t do that, sir! Not on Christmas, you wouldn’t!

9. Cat? What cat?

10. I have nothing left to live for. Just flush me.

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