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Shot In The Head And Beaten By Harmer, No One Believes This Dogs Can Survive, But She Proves They Are Wrong

When you look at the following picture, you should know that sweetheart Bubbles (the dog)  is in safety and happiness. She looks beautiful, healthy, and clean. However, back when the puppy was found, she was in bad condition. Kilyn and her husband decided to care for the puppy, although they knew Bubbles had some trauma.

Image: khbubbles

The puppy lost one of his eyes, but no one knew what had happened to her. She looked thin and emaciated. Taking the poor dog home, Kilyn knew that Bubbles needed treatments, surgeries, and human love. But it wasn’t long after that they realized their puppy had moe problems. X-rays at the vet showed her jaw and right ear were shattered.


The doctor came to the conclusion that the puppy had been hit by a bullet which was still lying inside the head. The bullet had destroyed Bubbles’ right eye and had been through her ear. Possibly, the dog had been beaten by a hammer. Kilyn was heartbroken to hear the truth, wondering why humans turned cruel and treated an innocent creature so badly.

Image: khbubbles

Despite her painful past, Bubbles were still a friendly and cheerful girl. She loved cuddles and hugs. During the next month, she was taken to the vet for her medical treatment. Kilyn felt happy that her surgery to remove the bullet was a success. Thanks to the love and care of her parents, Bubbles made an amazing recovery in just a short time. She was a sweet girl and a good friend of other dogs at the house. The couple was proud of her for that. ” We never wandered with our decision. We never worried about how she would be after surgery, we knew no matter what, and he adopted”, said Kilyn.

Image: khbubbles

After two months of receiving treatment, Bubbles finally ended her battle with the disease. She filled out and gained more weight. She also forgot what had happened to her in the past. Bubbles were happy to stay with her beloved mom and dad. Her eye lightened up with love and trust when she met humans. Her story reminded us of the lessons of love and courage. If it had been human love, Bubbles wouldn’t be a happy girl like how she is now.

Image: khbubbles

To update more information about sweetheart Bubbles, please follow this Instagram. Thank Kilyn and her husband for telling us such a heartwarming story.

Watch the full rescue here:

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