We Love Animals

Heartless Owners Wanted To Put Their Dog To Sleep Because She Was “Ugly” And Couldn’t Give Birth

This world is full of cruel people and the way they treat their pets is simply unthinkable sometimes. Maisy the Pit Pull used to belong to one of those heartless beings, but luckily her life was changed drastically after meeting the right woman.

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

Maisy was “adopted” at a young age for only one reason: to deliver puppies. And when they found out she failed several times, they immediately kicked her out since they couldn’t afford to feed her. These unbelievable people even intended to put her down because they thought that Pittie was “ugly” and no one would want such a dog.

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

The luckless girl used to live in an outdoor kennel where she could only interact with a few people, just because she peed in the house once. Poor Maisy was only a puppy back then and she desperately needed care and love, but unfortunately all she got was neglect for the first 3 years of her life.

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

Thankfully, a rescue heard about the pitiful girl’s case and kindly took her in.

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

It’s not until they brought Maisy to the vet to get her spayed that the rescuers found out she had a severe pyometra infection and was about to go septic. In other words, the dog was really lucky to be spayed just in time.

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

A week later, the charming gal was adopted out by an amazing woman. Needless to say, her life has been nothing but happiness since then.

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

Alongside a loving mom, Maisy also has a younger canine brother Andy and a feline buddy George to have fun with daily. It’s safe to say that her life would never be boring.

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

Now that 5 years have passed and our lovely Maisy has turned 8 only a few days ago. Despite her age, this bicolor doggo is still a goofy, bubbly pooch who loves to hang out with her brother and have long conversations with her human mommy all the time. Isn’t it sweet?

Instagram, Maisy the Barn Hippo

Watch Maisy’s whole story here:

If you find this girl endearing as we do, please share her story with your loved ones!

H/T: GeoBeats Animals





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