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Dogs Rescue

Brave Mama Dog Begs Rescuers To Save Her Poor Puppies

When Love Furry Friends got a call about a mama dog and her puppies living at a gas station, some rescuers immediately went to the place to save the poor family. The worker told them there were 7 pups, but sadly 4 puppies were hit by cars. Only three are alive now, but one of them was sick and weak. He couldn’t walk and was missing for a few days.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

When the team was searching the missing pup, the mother dog appeared. She seemed to realize that these people would not harm her and her babies, so she begged them for help. She let the woman put her pups in a carrier without attacking or barking at her. The rescuers checked territory of gas station, but they couldn’t find the pup. That’s when the mama dog led them to where her baby was.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel
Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

With the guide of the mama, they finally found the missing pup. The team quickly took the family to the vet. The mother dog tried her best to nurse the sick pup but he didn’t respond. The rescuers attempted to bottle feed him, but he couldn’t swallow. A check-up showed that he was diagnosed as having parasitic worms. Sadly, everyone couldn’t save him, and he passed away that same night.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel
Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

One of the clinic staff fell in love with the mama Bella and decided to bring her home. The two pups Mimi and Didi were then taken to their foster home until they were strong enough to move into their loving homes. It’s heartbreaking for the little angle couldn’t survive, but we are sure that he now has a better life in the heaven. He is also happy to know that his family is enjoying their best lives in their new homes.

Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel
Screenshot: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel

Watch the full rescue here:

God bless you guys for saving the rest of the family from the same faith. We hope that they will be loved and cared in their forever homes.

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