We Love Animals
Cats Go Animal Rescue

Abandoned Kitten Gets A Second Chance At Life Thanks To Kind-Hearted Man

Animal’s Health Care is a YouTube channel that was created by a group of animal lovers in Vietnam. This channel is full of videos about rescue and protection programs for animals, dogs, cats, and pets. It also shares information about the best and reputable pet care regimes in the world you need to know.

Screenshot: Animal’s Health Care

Last year, one of animal lovers in the group rescued a poor kitten who was abandoned in a house. The girl who lives in that house found the kitten between the old things of her house and saved her. The poor kitten had diarrhea, so she contacted to Animal’s Health Care for help.

Screenshot: Animal’s Health Care

The rescuer asked the girl’s position and immediately came to save the kitten. The man fed her to make friends with her. After finishing the meal, the man put the kitten in a cage and took her home to check for her health.

Screenshot: Animal’s Health Care

Screenshot: Animal’s Health Care

At the new home, the kitten received medical treatment for her health problem. She also got the love and care from the nice guy who took her in. She felt calm and comfortable during the process. She seemed to realize that she was safe and the man was a kind person.

Screenshot: Animal’s Health Care

After everything happened to her in the past, she is now in good hands. Once she is ready to be adopted, the man will find her a forever home and a loving owner that she deserves. Thanks to the girl and the man from Animal’s Health Care for rescuing and helping this little baby. We feel wonderful knowing you will soon find a forever home for her.

Screenshot: Animal’s Health Care

Watch the full rescue here:

For more amazing rescue stories, you can follow them on YouTube and Facebook. If you want to support Animal’s Health Care to help them save more animals in need, please contact them via [email protected] or [email protected]

Screenshot: Animal’s Health Care

Please share this post with your friends and family members to brighten their day and raise awareness about the importance of saving and helping animals.

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