We Love Animals

20+ Dogs That Never Think Of Hiding Their Emotions

Our dogs are masters of expressing their emotions through facial expressions. Looking at their face, and you can clearly read your doggy friend’s thoughts. Happy, excited, angry, surprised, satisfied, or sad, their emotions are so real. And these do not only make their life less boring but also bring smiles and laughs to humans around them.

And the list below is about 25 dogs that never think of hiding their emotions. They are living with their own logic and true feelings, making their day full of joy. Is there any better Excited to see their owners coming home from work, angry when you keep kidding them, or happy when you rub their belly, these guys will make you fall in love with. Love emotional doggos!

1. “You are seeing what? You haven’t got the reason why I’m angry with you? You promised to share an ice cream but you ate it all. Are you kidding me?”

2. “I’m so excited for the selfie, Dad. Let’s use it as my dating profile picture. Awesome!”

3. “I’m so sorry, mom. It’s my fault, not hers. I’m a big brother, so I have to take responsibility for all that we make.”

4. “I can’t still believe that I have a baby sister. But we’re gonna get along with each other soon.”

5. “I’m a good boy who is waiting for my mommy to return home from work.”

6. “I do not understand why the guy next can still watching that boring film. The point here is I promise to “always” stay beside him.”

7. “Is this our new home? I just can’t hide my excitement.”

8. “Yeah, today is Sunday. My dad and I are having a trip to the suburb. Is there anything better?”

9. “What is the creature over there? I think that I’ve spotted something usual.”

10. “This is me when my mom told me to show off my happy face. And this went viral.”

11. “I did tell you that I didn’t want a bath.”

12. “We’re siblings, brother. I just want to tell you that I always love and stay beside you.”

13. “I’m starving, mom. Do you finish working? My lunchtime is almost 10 minutes late.”

14. “Embarrassed when seeing someone looking at me. I know that I’m a pretty girl, guys.”

15. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore, at least 10 minutes.”

16. “I’m gonna catch this frisbee.”

17. “I and my portray. My dad is the author of the picture. So happy with his gift for my 5th birthday.”

18. “What’s that? You are scaring the living life out of me.”

19. “You guys are gangsters. Why do you keep chasing and biting me? Is there anyone that can drag these guys out of me?”

20. “You can’t sit next to our dad. This seat is mine.”

21. “I know that I’m beautiful, mom. You don’t need to admire me like that.”

22. “Help! help! Is there anyone that can drag these guys out of me?”

23. “Did I do something wrong? Why do you keep staring and laughing at me? My face looks funny?”

24. “Sometimes, I find it really hard to get along well with my younger brother.”

25. “haha, I won the game. What is my prize?”

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