We Love Animals

25 Photos Proving Dogs Are The Weirdest Guys In This World

Our dogs are living with their own rules, having their own logic. Sometimes, these furry guys make quirky (silly) behaviors and gestures but they don’t really care about them. They do not find anything wrong or unusual with these. Why do humans keep seeing them hilarious and bursting out laughing?

And here are 25 photos that prove dogs are the weirdest guys in this world. Scrolling down, and these will fill you with positive vibes. It’s a good way to release tiredness and stress, and drag yourself out of bad feelings. I’ve given it a tried and it actually works. Till these silly guys entertain themselves, you will never stop getting fun when living with them. A humorous member of the family!

1. “This is the only way to make the bed fit me. Still get comfortable here.”

2. His favorite sleeping position. His head must lean against the wall.

3. “Look at me. Finally, I can imitate your sitting position, dad.”

4. “This chair just makes me feel comfortable to sit on”

5. “Just love observing the world outside from this window. I can spend hours sitting in here without getting bored.”

6. “Just love sleeping in this position. It doesn’t have enough room for my legs, so I find a way.”

7. “Today is a boring day. My mom hasn’t taken me to the park for a walk yet.”

8. “I’m able to walk on the water. Can you see it?”

9. “What’s wrong with this woman? Why you hug me while I’m looking at my birthday cake? Let me be.”

10. Look like twins? Their sleeping position even matches.

11. His sitting position looks like that of a cat, right?

12. This dog often sits like that to wait for his mother to come home from work.

13. “Why you look at me like that? I just do to ask for some food. Here is my bowl.”

14. “You’re a sneaky mom. You ate all the candies I got at Halloween. I will sit here until you buy me back.”

15. He does this every time he gets super excited at playing on the grass…

16. “This is the new definition of a teammate. Who sits in the highest place is the leader.”

17. “Let me join you on “hide and seek”. Noone can seek us, right?”

18. “You told me to carry this tree branch in the best way I can and here is what I offer.”

19. “Let’s take a photo of me for dating profile! Do I look cool?”

20. “Just love the forest and every adventure to the forest.”

21. “I’m invisible. Aren’t I?”

22. “Just sits in the most comfortable position when asking for food. And here is a good suggestion for you guys.”

23. “I’m a big fan of pole dancing. Anyone wanna join me?”

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