We Love Animals

20 Cute Puppies And Their “Huge Wolf” Look When Grown Up

Many adorable puppies will grow up to be huge wolves or giant bears. The point is that these furry guys still keep their puppy soul. They are still cute (as always), love cuddles, and snuggling up on their owners whenever they spot them. And these cute contrast can always steal the heart of their owners and humans around them.

Our post today is about 20 puppies who turns out to be huge wolves when grown up. If you are looking for adorable “before and after” pics of the dogs, these surely keep you pleased. Some are so different when they’re adults, making humans doubted whether they were the same dog. Let’s check them out!

1. Labrador Retriever

2. German Shorthaired Pointer

3. Alaskan Malamute

4. Neapolitan Mastiff

5. Siberian Husky

6. English Bulldog

7. Briard

8. Doberman

9. Great Dane

10. Borzoi

11. German Shepherd

12. Dachshund

13. Tibetan Terrier

14. Pitbull

15. Mittelschnauzer

16. Bearded Collie

17. Bull terrier

18. Dogue de Bordeaux

19. Saluki

20. Sheltie

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