We Love Animals

15+ Photos That Show How Much Our Dogs Love Us

As dog owners, we love our 4-legged friends so much. They seem to love us back and actually see us as their family. Moreover, many studies have shown that dogs truly love and adore their owners. Not only do they provide us with unconditional love and loyalty, but they give us companionship down to their very last breath.

We believe that the powerful bond between humans and dogs is one that’s uniquely cherished, and it’s even purer than we think. That’s the reason why we collected 17 sweet photos of dogs to share with you. These pics will show the world how much our dogs love us. Scroll down to see!

1. “Bonnie put her favorite toy on my packed suitcase.”

2. “My dog was so excited to see me when I got home, he ‘hugged’ me!”

3. “My anxious dog after making her first doggy friend”

4. “My daughter was born a week ago and my dog will not leave her side.”

5. “How my dog hugs me when I come home.”

6. “Lola, my grandmother’s dog, brings her blanket to you if she likes you.”

7. “My dog takes care of me when I’m sick, and he only sleeps when I’m sleeping. I took this picture right after I woke up.”

8. “My dog cuddling with her only newborn puppy”

9. “My fiancé chose my dog over me for a cuddle and my dog just rubbed it in my face.”

10. “I just want someone to look at me the way my dog looks at me.”

11. “How my daughter’s dog waits for her to get home from school.”

12. “This is how my new dog rode in my car after we left the shelter.”

13. “Find someone who stares at you the way my dog stares at my wife.”

14. “My girlfriend’s dog hugs me every time I come over.”

15. “My parent’s dog came to visit for the first time since February, and my golden retriever was so happy to be reunited.”

16. “My son broke his arm and ever since he came home, my girlfriend’s dog won’t leave his side.”

17. “My wife just left for work for the first time in 3 months.”

Are you a dog owner? Does your dog love you? Feel free to share photos of your dog with us in the comments below! Be sure to share this post with your friends and family members!

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