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Cats Touching Stories

Incredible Nurse Kitty From Poland Looks After Other Animals At Animal Shelter

Radamenes, who is an angelic little black cat in Bydgoszcz, Poland, literally went through hell and high water to help other animals there at the veterinary center to recover.

After the veterinary center first brought him back from death’s door, he began returning the favor by cuddling with, massaging and sometimes even cleaning those other animals who were convalescing from their wounds and operations.

Radamenes quickly became a local attraction, and people have started visiting him at the center to wish him good luck!

Radamenes, who survived a terrible respiratory infection, now helps other animals at this animal shelter in Poland.


He was so terribly sick, the people who brought him thought he would have to be put down


However, when the vets heard him purr, they decided to do their best to save him


Once he was miraculously healed, everyone was surprised to see him start hugging and cleaning other animals


It seemed he was especially friendly to animals that’d had serious operations


All of the vets at the shelter jokingly say he’s a full-time nurse


They refer to him as their official mascot


Just goes to show you, cats are such wonderful creatures!


via: tvnmeteo.tvn24.pl / Pictures Source: www.boredpanda.com

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