We Love Animals

10+ Pets Who Guard Their Beloved Toys While Owners Fix Or Wash Them

All pets have a beloved toy that they sleep with and cannot live without. Even if their prized toys are old and ragged, they still like to snuggle and cuddle with these cozy and comfortable friends. That’s why many pet owners have to fix and wash old toys instead of disposing of them. And of course, our pets will never leave their friends alone. They will watch and guard their beloved toys until they are fixed and washed.

We love to see beautiful friendships between pets and their toys, so we decided to gather some pics of them to share with you. These pets can’t part with their favorite toys and guard them while owners fix and wash them. Scroll down to enjoy! After all, we hope that these pets can play with their beloved toys for years to come.

Sausage dog Pickle and his siblings can’t live a minute without their beloved toys no matter how old or dirty they may be.

They will not step away from their favorite toys

Lucas the cat was guarding his beloved stuffed leopard as his grandma was mending it

This cute dog is waiting for toys to dry

“Today, I spent an hour fixing Newton’s favorite toys. He hasn’t played with either since.”

“Be careful!” This doggo is waiting for the toy surgeon.

If mom doesn’t hurry fixing the toy, this puppy may run out of patience.

My terrier mix waiting while I fix her favorite dog toy. Again

“My girl that I rescued 4 years ago waiting ever so patiently for my Grandma to fix one of her favorite toys.”

Waiting for mom to finish fixing their toy

Boomer is nervously waiting for me to fix his favorite toy

Dog patiently waiting for his favorite toy to be fixed

To the dad fixing the pupper’s first toy, this was us yesterday

His favourite toy broke and this was he expression until I had fixed it

This impatient boi grabbed his toy right from the dryer

“I ain’t got time for this!”

Dexter is patiently waiting for his toy to get fixed

This cat is patiently waiting for toy repair

This good girl is waiting for dad to fix her favorite toy

This cute dog is guarding his precious toys while they dry

Do your pets love their toys? Please share your answers in comments below and don’t forget to share this article with everyone!

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