We Love Animals

20+ Photos That Prove Pets Make Our World A Much Better Place

11. The bond was instant.

12. “My cat is in love with my boyfriend.”

13. “Coming home to these 2 every day has turned my life around for the better!”

14. “I have 3 kids and he only does this with my oldest son.”

15. “I grew up a lonely child, but when I am with you, there is no doubt, because I feel complete.”

16. “My friend knitted hats (with ears) for her and her cat and they’re everything.”

17. “Had a bummer of a Valentine’s Day. This good boy brought me his bone and put it in my lap. Beats flowers!”

18. “She likes to hear my heartbeat, so this is how we have to snuggle every day.”

19. When you get a pet, you can forget about your private space. Even when you are in the bathroom.

20. “Never thought I’d have to share my boyfriend with my cat, but she’s been in love since day one.”

21. “Maddie saw I was packing for a business trip and wanted to come along.”

Do you love you pet? Does your pet do anything like this? Share your pictures with us in the comments below!

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