We Love Animals

Woman And Her Seven Dogs Have The Best Costume For Halloween

We consider our four-legged friends as family and always want the best thing for them. For this reason, when we start getting ready for Halloween festivities and picking out costumes for the family, we can’t forget to pick out ones for our furry little friends.

If you’re struggling to find unique and great Halloween costumes for your beloved dogs, don’t skip this post because it is for you. The story of a kind woman and her seven dogs in this post below will help you find the best costume ideas, especially when you have more than one dog in your house.

Meet Sasha Hobson, a photographer who loves dressing up with her family for Halloween. Every year, she goes all out with Halloween costumes for all of her dogs and together they do a photo shoot. But this year, finding the perfect group costume for everyone can be a challenge because now she has seven dogs.

“Every year we dress up the dogs for Halloween and do a photo shoot,” Hobson told The Dodo. “The dogs are now so used to it that when we say the words ‘photo shoot’ the dogs all jump to attention because they know they are about to get some treats!”

The seven dogs range from a small Chihuahua mix to a black Labrador, and they are all between ages 6 and 12 years old. With such a diverse group, she wanted to find the perfect costume that reflects all her dogs’ unique personalities. At first, she planned to make them characters from ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but then she came up with something even better.

“This Halloween is the first year with all seven of them, so we wanted to find a way to incorporate them all,” she said. “We originally were going to make them characters from ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ … but then I suggested ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.’ It was too perfect to pass up!”

Hobson and her mother-in-law then came up with designs and set to work. She combined different items to create Snow White’s dress, and she handmade all the dog costumes to make sure that they fit each dog perfectly.

“The hard part was just sewing everything and making sure it fit everyone,” Hobson said. “The dogs at this point are used to costume fittings. So, if treats are visible, they have no problem sitting still and letting us size everything just right.”

Her clumsy dog named Goddess Isis was Dopey. Haileigh Bug, who Hobson says is the “laziest dog I have ever had,” was Sleepy. Zoey, a dog who loves to wrestle and growl at the other dogs was Grumpy.

“People think we are crazy for having seven dogs and who knows? Maybe they are right,” Hobson said. “But we love our time with them and wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

Hobson is looking forward to celebrating the best Halloween yet with all seven of her pups. She said that she will try her best to figure out how to top this costume next year.

What could possibly be more adorable than seven dogs dressed as dwarves? Feel free to share this post and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts in comments!

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