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Artist Turns Animation Characters And Animals Into Their Human Versions, The Result Is Incredible!

When I was a child, I used to love cartoons and animation movies. Watching lively characters from the movies, I wondered how they would be in human shape. I was excited to think of how shocked I  would be to see them being cute, beautiful, and gorgeous in real life! Nowadays, children find themselves interested in technological devices like phones, laptops rather than dolls, toys, or cartoons. However, the animated characters from those movies have inspired many artists around the world. Today, we would like to introduce to you artist Shannon Lee, who is well-known for her incredible pictures showing cartoon characters and animals in human versions.

Shannon’s illustrations of the characters are loved by the social community. She has created the puctures with her own style, and that’s the reason why her products have always been loved by fans of animation movies.

Now, let’s check it out and see for yourself!

More info: Instagram | Facebook | youtube.com | tiktok.com

H/T: Bored Panda




















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