We Love Animals

20+ Funny Lazy Cats That Can Fall Asleep Anytime And Anywhere

All cat owners know that cats are great snoozers. They can sleep up to 16 hours a day – more than most animals and up to twice as much as humans. For this reason, it’s no surprise that people consider them as masters of sleeping. They’ve perfected the art of sleeping, so much so that they are able to nap anywhere, anytime, and any position.

We know that you love cats, that’s why we are here to present you with some cute and funny cat photos. These cats decided that the bed wasn’t the ideal place to sleep. They fell asleep in the strangest places and positions that we could never imagine.

Take a look at our list of sleeping cats below! We are sure that this list will put you in the mood for an afternoon nap immediately!

1. My dude is taking a nap in the sink here, so you have to wait if you want to wash your hands.

2. “Again, my cat has found another strange way to sleep.”

3. Our match was a bit too tiring, leave me alone.

4. They are a match made in heaven (or maybe at the shoe store).

5. Couldn’t find the right mascara for my whiskers, so decided to take a little nap.

6. “Do not disturb.”

7. Don’t judge me coz you ain’t me.

8. “I know cats like to sleep in weird positions, but this is probably the most ridiculous.”

9. These books put me to sleep.

10. I tawt I taw a puddy tat!

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