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Blind Raccoon Saves 2 Lost Kittens And Helps Them Find A Loving Human

A blind raccoon often came into a backyard of a woman named Eryn to scavenge for food because he had trouble finding food on his own. He was also afraid of strong wind, birds, snow, and high grass. So, the owner of the house fed him almost every morning since 2009. He usually came during breakfast time ( around 6 to 9 a.m.), and then he went back to the forest to play and rest.

“His eyes shone bright green during the day. He was at least partially blind, walked into things, and was afraid of the wind, high grass, birds, and snow,” Eryn said.

One day in 2014, he came for his daily food source and brought two black kittens. The kittens befriended the raccoon and started following him around. It turned out the kittens were stray, and they also needed food. For this reason, the raccoon led them to Enry’s backyard so they could share meals together.

At first, Eryn thought the kittens followed the blind raccoon since they knew Eryn would give them food. But the kittens seemed to be protecting the raccoon, like his very own bodyguards. They came together every day for some free food, and then they went back to the forest.

Sadly, the raccoon crossed the rainbow in 2015. The kittens were sad to lose the best friends, so Eryn decided to adopt and give them a home.

The blind raccoon helped the kitties find a loving home, and now they are enjoying a happy life with another furry buddy, Squirt. Sometimes, we wonder if they still think about Mr. Racoon from their kittenhood…

Watch the full video here:

This story is the solid proof proves that friendship is no limits and there is nothing quite like a sweet friendship between two different creatures, a blind raccoon and a pair of kittens.

This was a great story, sad that the blind raccoon passed away but at least he had friends. Please share this story with your friends.

More info: Instagram

h/t: Justsomething

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