We Love Animals

20 Photos of Napping Cats That Will Make Your Day Brighter

If you are a cat owner, you will know just how much their feline friends love to sleep. They can sleep as much as 16 hours a day, and older cats can sleep up to 20 hours a day. They’ve also figured out how to fall asleep in positions and places that we can not imagine. There is no place and no position in which a cat cannot sleep. This looks terribly uncomfortable, but they feel good and even sleep really well.

Because of this fantastic ability to sleep anywhere and everywhere, they are known as the master of sleeping. People love taking funny photos of their cats sleeping in some of the most awkward positions. So, if you need a little inspiration to through a bad day, these 20 napping cats will definitely make your day brighter.

Scroll down to check out!

#1: Creation of the cat

#2: Meditation

#3: At the dream wall

#4: Rule, dominate, and fall asleep wherever you want.

#5: The box of happiness

#6: A human in a cat costume

#7: Don’t let me go.

#8: Face on the table

#9: Leave me alone!

#10: Knockout

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