We Love Animals

10+ Hilarious Comics That Capture A Lady’s Life With Two Cheeky Cats

Living with cats is wonderful if not exhilarating. There’s never a dull moment with a cat because they have the cute appeal of resembling stuffed animals. However, the reality is not always so cuddly. These creatures basically live by their own rules and will do whatever they feel like whenever they want.

Vernessa Himmler, an illustrator and sand-artist in Hamburg, Germany who has created some hilarious comic illustration to show people the hilarious and crazy life of being a cat owner. She started drawing cat comics two years ago, inspired by her two white cats Mikosch and Koschka, who she adopted from a local animal shelter a few years back.

So, check out these comic strips and be ready to laugh the day off. To see more of her comics and other illustrations, make sure to check out her Instagram. Enjoy!

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