We Love Animals

Street Dog Saves Woman From Being Robbed

A brave stray dog helped a woman who was being robbed by an unknown man in the area of the Old Aerodrome in Podgorica, Montenegro, according to local television channel RTCG.

In this amazing video, a woman is forced to the ground by a vicious mugger. The mugger gradually walks closer and closer, until he grabs her from behind and wrestles her to the ground in an attempt to mug her. The dog runs after the mugger, jumping at his heels as the mugger makes his escape in terror. The four-legged friend chases the thug, who runs away in seeming terror whilst the dog continues to bark angrily at him. Incredibly, the dog’s kind actions don’t stop there. He even turns back to make sure the woman he saved is OK. Others were amazed by how quickly the dog had reacted.

No more proof is needed that dogs are amazing – but here’s a clip of a heroic dog showing how brave they can be. People were full of praise for the animal, including one man who posted a photo of a dog with the caption: ‘Hero of the day.’

Watch video below and SHARE with your friends and your family!

A man in a yellow hoodie is walking behind a woman loaded down with grocery bags. She is casually walking with her purse slung over her left arm.

She is completely unaware she is being followed, but the dog sitting in the street observes the pair walking by.

Suddenly the thug walks alongside the woman and grabs at her handbag, pulling her to the ground. But he wasn’t counting on the dog coming to her rescue!

The dog who was sitting so calmly seconds before springs into action and attacks the man, lunging at his rear end and heels

Realizing he’s got more than he can handle, the thief dashes away being chased by the dog, who continues to nip at his legs

Watch video here!

“This video is being represented by LADBible Group. To use or license this video please email licensing@ladbiblegroup.com”

Posted by Podgoricki vremeplov on Thursday, November 23, 2017

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