We Love Animals

They Recorded A Tiny Sleepy Kitten And This Will Melt Your Heart In An Instant

OMG, this little puff ball is too adorable.

Now we’re talking cute on top of fluff, on top of cute plus tiny, and it all equals super adorable. Oh, my. Did I forget to mention that the fur ball is sleeping? With all that cuteness around, I just cannot think straight.

Here’s a video of a tiny kitten, sound asleep, that will keep your heart warm for the rest of the day. You’ll get a better picture of the kitten’s size once you see a hand in the shot. This precious fur ball is so little, there is enough room for two such kitties to fit on the palm of that hand. If you have a soft spot for tiny fluffy kittens, then this video is a must-watch!

Itsy bitsy kitten sleeping. SHARE this video for your friends if you loved this kitty!!! 

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