We Love Animals

18 Photos Of Tucked-In Cats That Make You Just Want To Snuggle Down And Take Nap With Them

If you have ever owned a cat, you should know that almost all cats spend their daytime sleeping. Unlike when they are awake, these adorable purring machines turn to be so sweet when they sleep. Watching them curl up in beds makes us just want to forget everything, snuggle down and take a nap right away. Today, we would like to give you eighteen pictures of tuck-in-bed cats who can melt your heart in seconds.

WARNINGS: These photos are just so sweet that you will definitely want to see some more. Don’t worry, just visit Subreddit r/tuckedinkitties, where people share pictures of their cats sleeping on beds, and they might not disappoint you.

Now, enjoy!

#1. Uisa loves sleeping on her owner’s bed. She looks so warm!

Image source: throwmeaway1572974

#2. “Little pan trying to high five me in his sleep”

Image source: crumpom

#3. Such a precious sausage!

Image source: bluegreenie99

#4. “Sisters snuggled next to me all evening. I feel like I can stay like this for hours”

Image source: TauCetie

#5. Awww! Do you want to share the blanket with someone else?

Image source: baderFvhghtr4681

#6. “I was getting ready for bed last night when I turned around to see this waiting for me”

Image source: ClydeFrog04

#7. Those toes and that face. OMG, they steal my heart already!

Image source: RegularYak

#8. “My three-legged cat, Galileo, and his unique sleeping habits..”

Image source: TheOneTrueChuck

#9. “Want to play Hide And Seek? I am hiding, then you should be seeking me somewhere!”

Image source: Necessary_Injury3845

#10. “Dad, we are tired. Can we sleep now”

Image source: Fozzy424

#11. What an absolutely Beautiful snuggly little girl. ????

Image source: supd00de

#12. OMG, what is this? An angel? Absolutely an angel!!!!


#13. “She’s very cooperative, and this is her favorite blankie”

Image source: dirzmice

#14. “Just found this sub and I do believe Miss Maple belongs here. She spent a good 15 min burrowing in a most undignified way to get tucked in.”

Image source: bitethepatriarchy

#15. “My boys Thor and Loki taking a little cat nap ????”

Image source: jodizzlembettis

#16. “Oppps, wait, I am… I just… just love your thighs so much haha”

Image source: DragonShorty

#17. “My cat (right) and my parents cat hiding out together in the bed”

Image source: PigsandBears

#18. “Someone decided to stay in bed all day”

Image source: roger5083

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