We Love Animals

They Put a Newborn Puppy With a Bunch of Kittens. Look What Happens When Mama Cat Spots The Intruder

Thanks to those human beings and that mama cat to save the life of a little Puppy. This is the story of a new born Chihuahua puppy named as Bobby, his mother was killed by a car and she left her new born baby behind. Bobby must be put with someone to nurse and raise him and the accessible mother happened to be a cat named Gwen. When mama cat Gwen paid attention to this stranger, she taken care of him like his own baby. Bobby fitted in from the first day with no problems with new family. As you can see in the video he is messing around with his kitten brothers and they all seems so happy.
I believe that the motivation behind why we discover an important thing. Here we have observed how cats and dogs have mingled freely and lovingly with each other in spite of being different species we have two species, dog and cat, getting along extremely well but human who are one species, we can’t live peaceful. This story has revealed to us that we crave which we fail in our life such as mingling freely and adjusting with individuals of other races and religion without making any discrimination at all.

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