We Love Animals

How To Trap A Cat In 3 Easy Steps

Have you ever noticed that cats are very fond of circles? Well, some users on Reddit and Imgur shared pictures of their cats loving circles, and this lead to the ‘invention’ of some low-tech traps, which can be helpful at times.

Beside circles, cats are also attracted to boxes. One possible reason why cats might be attracted to these things is their need to feel secured. Cats love small and safe spaces, so even the suggestion or illusion of one may prove more appealing to them.

More info: guremike.jp (h/t: redditimgur, Purrworld)

Step 1: Set the trap

Step 2: Lure the ferocious beast

Step 3: Gloat over your victory

He didn’t even see it coming.


There’s no way to escape.

He didn’t even know what hit him.

Now people from all over the world are trying this trap:

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