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A Baby Gorilla Was Born In The Wild To Captive-Bred Parents, And This Made History!

Founded in 2002, Plateau Batéké National Park in the east south of Gabon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It spreads over an area of more than 2,034 square kilometers and is known for high Bateke plateau forests, savannah, and thick bushes. The park is home to Debrazza monkeys, Allen’s swamp monkey, birds, and several species of amphibians.

Recently, this Gabon National Park has been excited to announce their newest addition. A baby gorilla was born in the wild by captive-bred parents. This made history!

Image source: The Aspinall Foundation

The infant was born to a 13-year-old mother Mayombe and a 15-year-old father Djongo. Noticeably, both grew up in captivity.

Djongo joined Plateau Batéké National Park in 2013. He was born at Port Lympne Reserve in Kent, England but lost his family due to poaching. Djongo faced abuse from his captors, but thankfully, Aspinall Foundation, a conservation charity took him in. The baby gorilla and his father, Djala, were then transferred to Gabon.

Image source: The Aspinall Foundation

Mayombe arrived at Gabon from ZooParc de Beauval, France where she was born in 2019. Her release follows a collaboration of the zoo and Aspinall foundation.

It’s incredible to know that Djongo and Mayombe welcomed their first child in the wild. It’s almost impossible for captive-breed animals to give birth in nature. That’s why the baby gorilla’s arrival got the zoo’s staff astonished. This birth marks the success of the gorilla program!

Image source: The Aspinall Foundation

The trap cameras are constantly monitoring the infant. He is doing pretty well and continues to cling to his parents for a few more months. He is getting everyone’s blessing.

H/T: Koala

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