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Rescue Dog Takes Care Of Orphaned Kittens And Becomes Their Mom

Cats and dogs have a reputation of being the worst of enemies. They often fight and hate each other. However, this sweet dog named Rosie proves otherwise. She shares a special bond with kittens and takes care of them as if they were her own babies.

Image credits: YP Puppy Rescue

Before moving into the shelter, Roxi is a stray dog who was found on the streets. She was wandering around to look for food. Due to living on the streets for many days, she was skinny and weak. Thankfully, YP Puppy Rescue saved her just in time and took her to their shelter.

Image credits: YP Puppy Rescue

A vet visit showed that she was full of cancer and needed to undergo a surgery. Thanks to all the care and love of staff, she slowly recovered and put on weight. Not only did she meet great people, but she also has a cat friend named Pete, who comforted and helped her in her first days at the shelter. Their relationship is priceless!

Image credits: YP Puppy Rescue

Because Roxi had a strong bond with Pete, it was not surprising that she was obsessed with other kittens and cats. She cleaned them and raised them as if they were puppies. The kittens were always drawn to her and loved her so much. They even considered her as their mom.

Image credits: YP Puppy Rescue

She was a mom to a lot of foster cats and kittens who lost their moms or were abandoned by their owners. She cared for them and loved them until they found their forever homes.

Image credits: YP Puppy Rescue

Watch the full video of Roxi and her kittens here:

Sadly, Roxi passed away on March due to some health problems. Her passing was peaceful, calm and with a couple of deep breaths. After all, the gorgeous girl went onto her next journey. Rest in peace!

To see more rescue dogs, make sure to check out YP Puppy Rescue on Facebook. Please consider helping shelters out with a donation! Maybe start fostering animals yourself?

Image credits: YP Puppy Rescue

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