We Love Animals
Dogs Rescue

Scared Dog Gets Rescued After Being Left To Starve For A Long Time

Meet Alma, a poor dog who had a bad puppyhood that she never wanted to remember. She and 15 other dogs lived in the yard of an old dilapidated garage and struggled to survive day-to-day without being protected from hunger and sickness. Due to barely having anything to eat, the dogs had to fight for the little food they got. And in the battle for food, a small and weak dog like Alma, never wins and gets a chance to eat. Without food and water for a long time, she was malnourished and sick. But thankfully, Howl Of A Dog came to save her just in time.

Screenshot: Howl Of A Dog
Screenshot: Howl Of A Dog

After leaving the old garage, Alma was taken to her foster home, where she was cared for by Oana and Mihai. At first, she was scared and didn’t want to get out of the cage. They tried their best to calm her down and gain her trust. She would only leave the crate when she wanted to eat, and there was no one else in the room. Under their love and care, the starving dog started to come out of his shell and made a full recovery. She got spayed and received all required vaccinations. She was ready to find a loving forever home that she always desired.

Screenshot: Howl Of A Dog
Screenshot: Howl Of A Dog

When taking care of Alma, Oana and Mihai fell in love with her. They got so attached to her and that it became impossible to say goodbye. She also loved them so much, so they decided to adopt her. What was supposed to be just something temporary, turned into forever love! It’s been almost four months since her rescue, she now becomes a happy and healthy dog. We hope that she will be loved and cared forever.

Screenshot: Howl Of A Dog
Screenshot: Howl Of A Dog

Alma is not the only one the rescue team saved from the yard, but this video is about her. Watch the full rescue here:

It’s so heartwarming to know that you care so much about these wonderful dogs who need help! Never stop helping these abandoned/neglected souls. God bless everyone at Howl Of A Dog!!!

If you want to help How Of A Dog save more animals please visit here. You also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Website.

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