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Animals Cats Rescue Touching Stories

Feral Stray Mom Cat and Five Baby Kittens Were Rescued and Helped To Find Their Loving Homes

Hope For Paws is an animal rescue team, working to provide a loving forever home for abandoned animals and those under the threat. One day, someone called them about a feral mom cat giving birth to her babies at his house. Immediately, JoAnn Wiltz and Lisa Arturo drove to the rescue location to save the family.

(Screenshot: Hope For Paws)

The stray mom cat gave birth to her kittens under a rolling container, so they needed to get them out of that dirty place. The mama cat was a bit feral, so the best solution was to get her into a trap. However, she was smart enough to avoid being lured. Even though they used the food to attract her, she was very considerate. And right after finding out something wrong, she ran away.

(Screenshot: Hope For Paws)

Meanwhile, her babies still stayed under the container. Dealing with the kittens might be easier, so they tried to rescue them. All of a sudden, the mom came back and took one of her babies with her. Hope For Paws needed to move the rest of the kittens quickly so their mom didn’t move them out of that crawlspace. Four little babies cat were soon rescued.

(Screenshot: Hope For Paws)

Then, the only remaining issue was how to get the mom cat into the trap. Her previous action with one of the kittens showed that she would never leave her babies behind. Therefore, JoAnn and Lisa decided to use the little cats to lure their mother. As they predicted, the mom cat finally got trapped after 20 minutes. They took kittens into the trap so that the cat could reunite with her babies.

(Screenshot: Hope For Paws)

Hope For Paws sent them to Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation where they were fostered after that. They were no longer stray cats having to find food or shelter every day. After being rescued,  they were in safe and best love.

Six weeks later, JoAnn and Lisa came to visit them. They looked much bigger and healthier, compared to the time they were first found. Their mother, Beauty was released to a feral colony and was living happily. Five of her kittens were Maurice, Gaston, Lafou, Cogsworth, and Chip, all of whom were very adorable and active. They already found their loving homes except for Gastone. But we can be sure that Room 8 Memorial Cat would offer him the best place to live with.

(Screenshot: Hope For Paws)

Watch the full rescue here:

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