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A Striking Hummingbird With Iridescent Violet-purple Hood And Dark Olive-Green Coat

There are many strikingly beautiful hummingbirds in nature. These tiny and chubby creatures are too perfect to be true. They rock the world, making a name for themselves with enchanting plumage. You can never keep your eyes off these creatures when you spot them in real life. If you have an opportunity, just make sure that you grasp it.

Image Credits: Instagram/birdquest_tours

The Ecuadorian hillstar is such an outstanding hummingbird! It is famous for its striking glittering violet-purple hood, dark olive-green upperparts, and white belly with a horizontal black stripe at the middle.

Image Credits: Instagram/neotropic_phototours

It also has black feathers on the outer wing and blue-green feathers on the center of the tail.

Image Credits: Instagram/magic.birding

For these distinctive feathers, this bird has dubbed an incredible flying gem of nature. Do you agree?

Like many other species, the female Ecuadorian hillstar looks a bit duller than the male. She is covered with a dusty olive-green above and pale grayish below. She also has a whitish throat speckled with brown spots. Her tail also lacks blue-green feathers.

Image Credits: Instagram/amazoniaphoto

Ecuadorian hillstars are very tiny. They weigh approximately 8.0 g and are about 12 cm long.

These birds are native to the Andes of Ecuador and far southern Columbia at altitudes of 11,500 to 17,100 feet. They have a stable population and prefer living in grassland, scrub, and stunted woodland areas.

Image Credits: Instagram/miguelangelpg_22

This hummingbird dines mainly on nectar, especially from the orange-flowered Chuquiragua shrub. But they also eat small insects and spiders.

The female Ecuadorian hillstar builds her cup-shaped nest in a bush, shrub, or small tree during the breeding season. This nest is made from plant fibers, feathers, and green moss. She then lay one egg in the nest, incubates it, and feeds the hatchling until fully fledged, around 20 days.

Image Credits:  Joseph C Boone / CC BY-SA 3.0

If you fall in love with this beautiful tiny chubby bird, just share the article with your family and friends.

H/T: One Big Birdcage

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