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Meet Collared Redstart, A Striking Tiny Chubby Bird With Bright Yellow And Dark Blue-grey Plumage With Red Mohawk

There are hundreds of eye-searing tiny chubby birds in nature. They wear a strikingly beautiful coat that makes them conspicuous wherever they are. Their plumage may even become the standard of color shades. They are too perfect to be real.

Image Credits: Instagram/ tonitsay

The collared redstart is among these outstanding birds. The stunning member of the warbler family is known for its bright yellow face and belly, dark blue-grey upperparts, and swept-back bright reddish patch on the head.

Image Credits: Instagram/gregdrawbaugh

The black eyes on the yellow face make this bird more adorable and playful. I can’t keep my eyes off these tiny fluffy creatures!

Watch their video below!

The female of many bird species is duller than the male. But the collared redstart is different. Both sexes look quite similar. And young birds are duller with a brown back, pale yellow under plumage. They also lack bright yellow markings and red caps that adults have.

Image Credits: Instagram/wildlife_foremost

The collared redstart is endemic to the mountains of Northern Costa Rica and Western Central Panama.

Image Credits: Instagram/jutta_puravida

They prefer living in high elevation oak forests and edges, brush-covered ravines, and mountain pastures in elevations from 1500 meters up to the treeline.

Image Credits:  Instagram/riekyboer

Their main diets are insects that they hunt in high elevations.

During the breeding season, from March to May, female collared redstart birds build their nests on the ground, usually concealed in a grassy back or under a rock or fallen tree. This nest is made from plant fibers, scales of tree ferns, and dry bamboo leaves and has a side entrance.

Image Credits: Instagram/adriansaborio_photography

The female then lay 2-3 eggs in their eggs and incubate them for about 13-14 days. Interestingly, male collared redstart birds join the females in raising the hatchlings until fully fledged.

Image Credits: Instagram/jeff_martineau

Currently, the population of this species is quite stable.

Image Credits: Instagram/birdlover_gt

Let’s share this post with your family and friends to let them notice this stunning tiny chubby bird!

H/T: One Big Birdcage

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